
Embracing mindfulness

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I'd been worrying a lot about my hips, my pain and mobility - as well going through a stressful time at work. I wasn’t sleeping well and felt like I couldn’t switch off. My problems were constantly rolling around in my head like a load of colours in a packed washing machine. 

I was introduced to mindfulness and I really wasn’t sure about it before I started. I’m not a particularly spiritual person and hearing about mindfulness made me think of yoga retreats and incense. But as with many hippies, I’m willing to try most things if there is a chance they might help. 

And I’m so glad I did embrace mindfulness. It’s made such a difference to my mental health. I’m much more calm and less stressed. I’m more in tune with my body, and feel better able to cope with worry and difficult thoughts. 

I enjoy life more, because I am so much more aware of the tiny pockets of joy that are so easy to miss. It’s the simple things, like the comforting first sip of a warming cup of tea, the smell of freshly laundered clothes. Or the crinkle of a rainbow of autumn leaves underfoot.

January 2021

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Preparing to leave hospital after hip surgery

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